This may or may not come as a shock: people think that women
are more trusting. Laura Kray, professor at the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business, demonstrates that in negotiations such perception of women encourages
people – men and women alike – to lie to their female counterparts much more
than to males. So what can we do about it? Before we get there, let’s see how Professor Kray arrived at her conclusions.
First there was a survey that asked respondents to predict
what kind of a negotiator either “Michael Taylor” or “Patricia Taylor” would be
in a scenario where that hypothetical person was looking to buy the
respondent’s car. With statistical significance, people whose buyer was
“Patricia” were more likely to expect that she would be trusting, good-natured
and well-intentioned. Those dealing with “Michael,” on the other hand, were
more likely to expect that he would be hostile, aggressive, confident and
skillful. Well, how about that?

Yes, yes they did! In their post-negotiation responses,
buyers reported on their own truthfulness. Those who negotiated with a female
seller were more likely to have lied. Similarly, the sellers were asked what
their buyers had told them. Their responses were coded to show who was “lied
to”, who was “misled” and who was “told the truth.” Consistently with the buyer
self-reports, the women were more likely to be lied to, while the men were more
likely to be told the truth. There was no difference among those who were
misled. By the way, the gender of the
buyer did not matter – women were just as opportunistic with their fellow women
as were the men.
Kray’s third study was a laboratory variation on the
negotiation game. This time all the buyers were deceiving the sellers. Unbeknownst
to the sellers, the buyers had instructions. This allowed Kray to see how the
men and women reacted when they were, in fact, lied to. Women were worse at
recognizing deceit, though it was tough for both men and women – 89 percent of
women believed the buyers’ intentions, while 80 percent of men did. In
addition, when the women asked questions to scrutinize the buyers’ claims, their
trust increased. On the other hand, the men who probed the buyers became
rightfully more skeptical.
So, ladies, we are likely targets of opportunistic lying.
However, the awareness that Professor Kray’s studies bring give us a tool. As a
woman currently taking a negotiations course, I will now be more vigilant. I’m
not advocating for adoption of blanket distrust, but next time you get that
hunch that the car salesman is ripping you off, you should look into it!
Anya Malkov is an MPP2 at the Harvard Kennedy School, a WAPPP Cultural Bridge Fellow, and an alumna of From Harvard Square to the Oval Office.
Anya Malkov is an MPP2 at the Harvard Kennedy School, a WAPPP Cultural Bridge Fellow, and an alumna of From Harvard Square to the Oval Office.
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